Thursday, April 14, 2011

This is what happens when I have a semi-clean kitchen...

I bake! 

These are so easy to make.
  • Roll out a package of puff pastry into a 10x10 square, cut it into 4 squares.
  • Put dollop of pie filling of your choice (I chose E.D Smith apple and cherry - yes I made two packages worth!)
  • Put on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper
  • Brush them wish one egg lightly beaten
  • Put in preheated 400F oven for 15 minutes
  • Turn down to 350F for 20 mins until filling is warm and bubbling
  • Take out and enjoy
  • Drizzle with lemon icing (2 tbsp icing sugar, 1 tsp lemon juice)
They turned out really good, every time I make them they get better each time - imagine that!
Tomorrow making "Candy Bread".

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