Wednesday, May 26, 2010

B.C. - British columbia

I just came back from my visit to B.C.  I couldn't help but thinking how fresh and moist the air is there.  Up in the mountains, with all the trees...sigh.  It was a break that the girls and I DESPERATELY needed, even though it wasn't completely without it's ups and downs.  A visit with my family is bound to have some drama - it never seemed to be.  I keep telling myself that healthy families are loud and don't keep anything pent up - they vocalize their feelings and hopefully not hurt others in the process.  But how do they always seem to hit a nerve; a soft spot that hasn't quite healed?  Sometimes I leave there and think why do I keep coming back? Mostly it's for my girls, so they have a relationship with my mom and dad and auntie, but on the other hand - little things get said here and there and they cut so deep.  It's funny how a family member can hurt you 100x more than a best friend ever could, because they know you and think they can take liberties that others can't.  Trust me, it's not all bad. We have alot of great times together, but there are times that I wish my love language wasn't "words of affirmation".  The sarcastic, joking, bitter remarks stick to me and I don't forget them...."oh that's where your daughter gets it from..."  why is it all the bad traits, people try to pin on me?  why can't they notice the good ones?
I don't know if this is just a phase, where my emotions are always so close to the surface- emotional flooding as they call it in my parenting class.  If it is, I hope it passes fast.  I hate being sensitive, and vulnerable.  I'm working on it.  yay...another happy post from me.


The Kingsborough Queen said...

awww, are so loveable, so gentle and sensitive and those things are just some of the reasons you are loved by many!

lyndsey greenhalgh said...

Thanks Cher :)