Thursday, January 29, 2009

Real-life Superpowers

Whenever you think of superpowers you think of Superman who can fly. Who is "faster than a speeding bullet", and has strength like no other. Well, I think we all have superpowers of our own. Something that makes us great.
Today when I came into work I was thinking about how much my relationship has changed with my co-workers since I started in September. For the first two days, nobody said a word to me except for the manager who hired me (which wasn't very much), and by the end of the week, only one person kind of opened up to me. She showed me how cuddly the male mannequins are. It's suprising...they really are. I worked on the sales floor for about a month, and it was so different for me. From coming from an environment, where we ate lunch together everyday, laughed, sent silly emails back and forth, would stop what we're doing to help each other out to eating lunch by myself, basically being by myself and doing stuff for myself. Another thing that was different, I was in charge at my old job. Alot of responsiblity. I had a job to be done and it was so big that I needed to get it done through others - which isn't always the easiest when your working with volunteers. This job, I have to wait for them to tell me when my break is, tell me basically everything. I know it sounds like I took a step back but there is benefits to both, and I'll talk about it later.
I worked on the Salesfloor for about a month and a half, and then they needed someone to come in early and cover for a girl who was on "logistics" (basically inventory, pricing, shipement, signs etc.) With that came a whole new set of people to get to know. I was basically thrown in with no training, and since I was the new person, I was the one to snub. I had to figure out how to read the merchandise display books by myself, what was the fastest way to break down boxes, basically everything. Nobody would offer helpful tips or even work together. There was so much tension within the group, that one morning all the working stopped and they had and all out verbal brawl. The only people that were not involved was myself and a new guy Toby.
So what does this have to do with superpowers? Wait...I'll come to it. Slowly I've been able to gain their trust. It wasn't easy. Doing something for them when I KNEW that it wouldn't be reciprocated. Asking them about their boyfriends, family,etc when they had mentioned something to me. I even one day had the leader of the group telling me all about her "friend" who she just needed to vent about. It was big, and she told me some stuff that I knew she couldn't tell the others girls. And...they are starting to work as a team! So...this is what I think. I think this is my superpower. I think that I can make anybody like me. I don't think I'm going to get along with everyone, but I honestly think that I can find something in just about anyone.
I think it's funny because I have a couple of the girls on "hugging terms". Which means they feel comfortable enough to hug me, and if you know me, I am quite affectionate. Ha girl always tells me that she loves me, and tells me I'm hot or gorgeous. Which is funny, she was the one who would say, "you can't be in on this conversation, your an adult! Your a a mom!" Whatever. The one thing that I have learned from working with 18/ 19 yr olds is how far I've come. I'm not insecure and need to be around someone all the time. I can do something nice for someone, because I want to, not because they might reciprocate. I'm comfortable with asking for help, and not feeling that because I don't have all the answers, that doesn't reflect on my intellect or character - it actually strengthens it. I'm okay with being mature, but I'm always going to be young at heart.

What would you say is your real-life superpower? I would say that my friend teresa's is that she can make friends anywhere and everywhere. Her personality is so attractive, you just want to be around her. Because of that she's careful about who she lets in her "inner circle" of which I have the honor of being in. I would say that Brian's is, he can make anyone do his bidding. His leadership skills are phenomenal. He's very influencial. He even can make up silly songs nicknames for the girls and at first we all say,"Brian!!! we are not calling Allison, Ally baba!!" And before you know it, her nickname is allybaba. I would love to write about all my friends, and boast about what I think makes them so wonderful, but so little time.


The Kingsborough Queen said...

of course they would come to love could they not?!?

lyndsey greenhalgh said...

awww thanx queenie!

Unknown said...

you dont have to write about all your friends.....just me!!(the favorite one!)

lyndsey greenhalgh said...
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lyndsey greenhalgh said...

I'll come up with something juicy to write about you. ha ha :)