Monday, April 20, 2009

Back to the grindstone...

Wow...Today was interesting. I woke up 5 minutes before I supposed to leave for work. My alarm didn't work again. So basically I looked like @#$%. But I'm quite suprised at how well I now function at 6 am- when I have to. It's weird having all this time to myself to think again. I forgot what a luxury it is. What did I think about? All KINDS of things!! Oh the things you can think. I did a lot of self reflection and tried to get the root of the pit in my stomach. First of all, WHY was it there? I came to the conclusion that I am really unsure about my plan to go ahead with my jewelry plans. I paid for all my supplies yesterday. I don't think that I ordered enough...but I've already spent quite a bit of money that I don't have. I get so many compliments on my jewelry, but would people go a step further and actually buy them for what they are worth- not what I get the supplies for? What price should I put on them...I don't want to go too high, but I also DON't want to go too low. AAAAHHHHH!!! It's hopeless...I could just go in circles. I really can think too much. It's a good and bad quality. If I'm heading a project, I can pretty much see any obstacles that could come, and be ready for them. But say, in relationships - it's horrible. When I was single, I used to analyze people, and try to figure out why they did the things that they did. Why they DIDN'T do some things. grrrr....there's so much that I don't know. I used to put a lot of junk on myself. I still do sometimes. But for the most part, I keep my relationships in perspective, and only let a select few in my inner circle of friends. I think I'm a pretty good judge of people, and if I do have misgivings about a person, I will most often keep them if my life if I think there's a chance that I might be wrong. The sad part is most of the time, my hunches are true and I get hurt. But, I would rather take the chance and love, I'm that kind of person. Anyways...that's me.

But Brian came and whisked me off for lunch. It was nice to see him if it was only for a little bit. It was nice to be back at work. I really do like the people I work with. This one guy Ryan, he makes me laugh so much. We're both a little older than the rest of the group, so we talk about old people stuff... like the 80's (ha ha), music, technology and how much it's changed since the 80's, how immature the rest of the people are that work there, and pretty much all kinds of random silly stuff.

So today was mostly lived in my head..till I got home, and I put my ipod on and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. then made supper, had a sleep...woke up and watched Heroes, and here I am downloading photos for people. I've been taking lots - I figured out how to do manual focus on the weekend (i sat down and read the manual on Saturday. what a concept!)

ok...that's all. no deep thoughts or quotes or scriptures. Maybe tomorrow. stay tuned. ;)


The Kingsborough Queen said...

do you make your own jewelry or you are starting to sell from a company??? that sounds exciting!!

lyndsey greenhalgh said...

yes i do! They are bracelets and necklaces - mostly bracelets - semi-precious stones. I'll post some pics of them as I make them.

I'm actually setting up a table for a Ladies Day that they are having at the church. There is going to be all kinds of stuff - Partylite, Arbonne, and like 4 different jewelry people! I'm a little nervous...But my plan "B" is to sell what I don't sell there online. :)